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TCOLaS – The Crafted Online Language School

Learn how to be effective in daily conversation.

Learn how to be effective in Daily Conversation

If a person is even the most intelligent being on earth but cannot convey his thoughts and ideas, his message won’t carry weight.

Effective daily conversation plays a crucial role in expressing our ideas and learning spoken English because it provides learners with opportunities to practice the language in a practical and meaningful way.

Almost everyone wants to be a better communicator, not only in professional life but also in social life. Below are some steps you can apply to be a better communicator.

Here are some of the benefits of daily conversation for learning spoken English:

Greetings and introductions 

Let’s learn about greetings and introductions in daily conversation:


In English, several basic greetings are used in daily conversation. They are used to show respect, friendliness, and acknowledgment of the other person. Below are some examples:


A standard greeting is used in formal and informal settings.

Example: Hello, how are you today?


A casual greeting is used in informal settings.

Example: Hi, what’s up?

Good morning/afternoon/evening

They are used to greet someone at a specific time of day.

Example: Good morning; how did you sleep?


A casual greeting is used among friends

Example: Hey, how’s it going?


A casual greeting is used in some areas of the US.

Example: Howdy, partner!

Note: Want to know the Do’s and Don’ts of English Conversation, click here.


Introductions are used to present yourself or someone else to another person formally. In English, there are several ways to introduce yourself or others.

Here are some examples:

My name is [name]

A simple and direct way to introduce yourself.

Example: My name is John; nice to meet you.

This is [name]

Used to introduce someone else to a third person.

Example: This is my friend, Emily.

I’d like you to meet [name]

Used to introduce two people to each other formally.

Example: I’d like you to meet my father, Mr. Smith.

Nice to meet you

A typical response to an introduction.

Example: Nice to meet you too!

In conclusion, knowing how to greet and introduce yourself is crucial for daily English conversation practice.
Using standard greetings and introductions, you can show respect, build relationships, and communicate effectively with others. Remember to be polite and friendly, and practice using these phrases in different social situations.

Asking and answering basic questions 

Asking Questions:

Asking questions is a vital part of communication in English. It allows us to gather information, clarify understanding, and engage in conversation. In English, there are several ways to ask questions, but the most common way is to use a question word.

Here are some examples of question words and how to use them:

Daily Conversation
Daily Conversation


It is used to ask about a person.

Example: Who is your favorite football player?


It is used to ask about a thing or an action.

Example: What is your favorite food?


It is used to ask about a location or place.

Example: Where is the nearest gas station?


It is used to ask about a time, date, or event.

Example: When is your birthday?


It is used to ask about a reason or cause.

Example: Why did you quit your job?

To ask a question, start with the question word, followed by the auxiliary verb (if necessary), and then the subject and main verb. For example:

What is your name?

Where are you going?

Answering Questions

Answering questions is just as vital as asking them. It allows us to share information, express opinions, and engage in conversation. In English, there are several ways to answer questions, but the most common way is to respond directly.

Here are some examples of how to answer questions:


It is used to give a direct response to a question.

Example: Are you here to meet your friend? Yes, I am.

Short answer

It is used to give a brief response to a question.

Example: What’s your favorite place to visit? My favorite place to visit is the seaside during summer.

Full sentence

It is used to give a detailed response to a question.

Example: How was your weekend? My weekend was great. I went hiking with some friends and had a barbecue on Sunday.

Asking and answering basic questions is a fundamental part of English communication. By using question words and giving direct responses, you can gather information, clarify understanding, and engage in conversation with others. Remember to listen carefully, be polite, and practice using these skills in different social situations.

Describing people, places, and things

Here’s an explanation on describing people, places, and things in daily conversation:

Daily Conversation
Daily Conversation

Describing People

Describing people is an essential part of communication in English. It allows you to give information about someone’s physical appearance, personality, and behavior. In English, there are several ways to describe people.

Here are some examples:

Physical appearance

Use adjectives (words that show quality) to describe someone’s physical features, such as tall, short, blonde, or curly.

Example: She has long, curly hair and green eyes.


Use adjectives to describe someone’s personality traits, such as kind, funny, or intelligent.

Example: He is a very outgoing and friendly person.


Use verbs or adjectives to describe someone’s actions, such as walking, talking, or laughing.

Example: She was walking quickly and looking at her phone.

Describing Places

Describing places is another vital part of communication in English. It allows us to give information about a location, atmosphere, or environment. In English, there are several ways to describe places.

Here are some examples:


Use prepositions to describe where a place is, such as in, on, or at.

Example: The restaurant is on Main Street..


Use adjectives to describe the atmosphere or feeling of a place, such as lively, peaceful, or cozy.

Example: The café has a cozy atmosphere with soft lighting and comfortable seating..


Use adjectives to describe the physical surroundings of a place, such as busy, quiet, or scenic.

Example: The park has a scenic environment with beautiful views of the lake and mountains.

Describing Things

Describing things is also an essential part of communication in English. It allows us to give information about an object’s size, shape, color, and function. In English, there are several ways to describe things.

Here are some examples:


Use adjectives to describe the size of an object, such as small, large, or medium.

Example: The package was relatively light and easy to carry.


Use adjectives to describe the shape of an object, such as round, square, or oval.

Example: The table had a square shape and was made of wood.


Use adjectives to describe the color of an object, such as blue, red, or green.

Example: The car was a bright green color and stood out on the road.


Use adjectives to describe the purpose or function of an object, such as sound, decorative, or practical.

Example: The vase was decorative and added a nice touch to the room.

In conclusion, describing people, places, and things is a fundamental part of everyday English conversation. By using adjectives and prepositions, you can give information about physical appearance, personality, atmosphere, environment, size, shape, color, and function. Remember to be specific, use vivid language, and practice using these skills in different social situations.

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.



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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.


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