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TCOLaS – The Crafted Online Language School

Preposition Quiz 4

Created on By Asif

English Prepositions Quiz 4

1 / 5

We had to pay the accommodation cost but the tip back to the airport was free ____ charge.

2 / 5

She knew her daughter was sick after constantly complaining _____ stomach pain.

3 / 5

My husband was allowed to leave work early yesterday ______ condition that he make up lost hours today.

4 / 5

The new library being built downtown will be ____ construction for about three months.

5 / 5

Are you sure _____ the time we’re to meet at the restaurant?

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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.



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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.


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