TCOLaS – The Crafted Online Language School

Preposition Quiz 5

Created on By Asif

English Prepositions Quiz 5

1 / 5

The company finally fell into bankruptcy after being burdened ____ debt.

2 / 5

We must leave _____ delay otherwise we’re going to miss our flight!

3 / 5

That new mobile phone is really _____ demand right now, Especially with young people.

4 / 5

Many rivers and beaches are quite dangerous and weak swimmers can find themselves ______ difficulty very soon.

5 / 5

The reason Sally has such a good job is due ___ all the hard study she did at school.

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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.



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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.


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