TCOLaS – The Crafted Online Language School

The Story of Strong or Weak

The Story of Strong or Weak / English story.

There was a pleasing teak tree in the forest was high and strong. There was a tiny natural herb next to the tree.

The teak tree claimed, “I am beautiful and strong. No one can beat me.”

Hearing this, the herb responded, “Dear friend, way too much Pride is dangerous. As even the strongest certainly fall one day.

The teak tree overlooked the herb’s words and continued praising himself.

One day, a strong wind blew. The teak tree stood firmly. Even when it rained, the teak tree stood firm by spreading its fallen leaves.

During these times, the herb bowed low. The teak tree teased the natural herb.

One day, again, there was a storm in the forest. The herb bowed low. But as usual, the teak tree stood straight and didn’t bow down.

The storm kept on growing stronger. The teak tree might no longer bear stronger storms and felt his strength giving way.

He tried his best to stand up straight; however, when it went out of his strength. The teak tree ended up falling.

When everything was calmed once again, the natural herb stood straight again. But when the herb looked around, the strong teak tree had fallen.

So, the story’s moral is that Pride comes before a fall.

Note: Do you want to enhance your Fluency?

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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.



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TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy

TCOLaS Academy is a Digital Academy that was founded in 2019 with a vision to empower youth through education and skill development. The academy is dedicated to helping young individuals reach their full potential and achieve their goals.


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